Annex A.2

Project summary

Project title

Strengthening textile industry capacities in the cross border region

through learning best practices and implementation of promotional activities

Lead Partner(name/country)

Textile Trade Association - Textile Cluster


Textile and Clothes Branch Organization

Priority axis

Axis 1: Economic Development and Social Cohesion

Area of intervention

1.1 Economic Development

Duration (in months)


Total budget (in €)

87369.32 euro

Project Objectives

Overall objective: To improve the image and support the competitiveness of the textile and apparel industry sector in order to increase its economic potentials through capacity building measures,  sharing best common practices, implementation of promotional activities and institutional strengthening of the textile industry stakeholders in the cross border region.    

Specific objectives:

1. To evaluate current capacities of the textile and apparel industry stakeholders in the cross border area in order to develop measures that will provide realistic solutions to overcome the burdens of the sector;

2. To strengthen the competitiveness of the industry and the management capacities of the industry stakeholders through establishment of tailored capacity building programme;

3. To strengthen the competitiveness through joint presentation of the textile and apparel industry local products/brands and promotion of the sector and the cross – border area as a single region.

4. To promote the textile sector as a generator for creating economic stability in the cross border region

Project Activities

There are eight (8) project activities that are going to be implemented in this project proposal:

  1. Setting—up Project Management System
  2. Implementing communication strategy and project promotion
  3. Assessment and Analysis of existing situation and development of the Textile and apparel industry in the cross border region
  4. Development and delivery of Capacity Building Programme - Module 1
  5. Development and delivery of Capacity Building Programme - Module 2
  6. Exchange of experience and transfer of know-how by linking regional stakeholders and relevant governmental bodies through organization of forums
  7. Development and promotion of a Strategic document – Promotional Strategy of the industry of the cross border area
  8. Joint promotion of the Textile and apparel industry sector in the cross border region

Project Results

Following are project results:

1. Assessed needs of current needs, problems and bottlenecks as well as industry capacities in the cross border area and proposed remedies for overcoming the identified challenges

2.     Improved capacities  of mid-level management through delivery of two capacity building programmes for  improvement of competitiveness of the textile industry sector

3.     Improved promotional capacities of the textile industry stakeholders as joint economic sector  within the cross border region

4.     Exchange of experience and know-how among textile industry stakeholders

5.     Established communication between  project partners  and members of the two associations, as well as with the rest of the companies from the sector in the cross-border region

Target Groups

  1. Textile and apparel companies on both sides of the border
  2. Mid Level management of textile and apparel companies of the cross border region
  3. Relevant Authorities  (local governments, central governments, chambers of commerce)
  4. Citizens from the cross border region